To Save Our Planet: An Analysis of Zerocycle

By Kiera Sweden 6 Min Read

If you love bettering the environment, this is a subject for you. The team at Zerocycle came up with this business because they wanted to make a difference. If you want to make the world a better place, you have to start with yourself, and that is exactly what they did. They do many things to help our ecosystem.

At first I was skeptical, just like many others, but Zerocycle’s strategies have actually been proven successful. The company has really made a huge impact on our world. They have accomplished this by using their three-step solution.

Step #1

The first step of their solution is to collect data. The type of data they collect is a combined mix of recycling, garbage, and compost data. From here, they decide on diversion rates for each neighborhood in a city. This is important because, without this data and the way our environment is set up, they would never know when, how or where to begin.

Step #2

The second step of their solution is to engage with the community. A way that they make this happen is by sending out specially customized neighborhood waste reports. After receiving these reports, what they do is share the gathered information with their communities. This is a great way to bring in more activity and attention to the business.

Step #3

The third and final step of the Zerocycle process is to effect change. After receiving several loads full of data, reviews, and constructive criticism, they determine whether or not they should make any changes.
With all of these detailed steps and an actual plan, this is a pretty effective way to change the world for the better. This is also a solid way to save our suffering environment.

The benefits

Besides the benefits it, like many other groups, produces for the environment, there are many more useful aspects to Zerocycle. Another good thing provided is what most other successful websites don’t: their actual website does not care about what type of plugins you have. They accept all kinds and don’t require you to see what you don’t have to if you don’t want to. This is also good if you do want to see images, because you don’t have to enable anything to see them. For an example, if I went to right now on my specific Dell laptop, before I can even see anything, I have to allow Javascript, cookies, or images. Honestly, no one has time for that, so I am glad that their website doesn’t require any hard work, because readers should not have to put in any.

Things to be improved on

Although this is a nice business with good ideas, there are still a lot of areas of their company that needs drastic improvement. One of them is their online presence. Social media is one of the biggest and most important ways to promote your business. Without a strong social media presence, you are not going to get billions of customers when people don’t even know you exist. Social media is a way to connect with billions of different people with different wants and needs from all over the world. This is a better way to understand what your customers want rather than sending them in the mail, though that does have its benefits too, when the time and place is right. Even still, Zerocycle sends their report requests through the mail, and they can receive way more information through an online network. Zerocycle did take time out and made an effort to create a Twitter, but that alone is just not enough. Countless people use Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. It pays to have a presence on as many platforms as possible!

The view overall

Since this business has such great ideas for something that is actually important, it’s clear that they will go far. This is also an original idea, which gives it leverage over many other startup companies. After all, as long as any company has an original idea or exclusive item that you can’t find anywhere else, they will be set up for life. Everyone is looking for originality, and without, an enterprise is swiftly heading to the bottom. With a few more advances and tweaks, I believe that Zerocycle can one day be a billion-dollar business.

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