StepSkooter makes scooting fun again.

By Staff Writer 4 Min Read

Working out can be a bore and a pain for many people, which is a reason why a lot of people tend to avoid doing it. But what if working out could actually be fun and enjoyable to do, even outside of the comfort of your own home? What if there was an innovative way to actually make working out tolerable for people who have a difficult time committing to a routine?

The StepSkooter is all about making that possible. It brings together to the technology of a stair stepper and a scooter to make a fun, new fitness experience. Especially if you struggle with finding a way to work out that isn’t killer to you, the StepSkooter is the perfect way to benefit from a step climber at an affordable price.

Going to the gym and having workout routines may not be for everyone, but working out definitely is. Everyone should be able to work out while not draining themselves completely of all energy for the day. Feeling like this can make it hard to stay committed to a workout routine, which is what makes the StepSkooter a perfect choice for those people looking for a nice workout.

You can benefit from the StepSkooter by getting in a cardio and muscle-toning exercise without having to tire yourself to near death at the gym or by doing a home workout. The StepSkooter makes it easy to both burn fat and tone up your muscles while barely even feeling like a workout. Due to the mimicked stair stepper design, you can benefit in all the same ways that you would if you were on an actual stair climber.

Interchangeable wheels allow riders to adjust the speed of the scooter to make sure you’re not speeding down the street when you’d prefer a bit of a slow pace. The push pedals are what gets the scooter going, riders simply stand on each pedal and begin to use the scooter as a stair stepper. The scooter is a great way to get outside for a nice workout and to ensure all of your muscles are getting toned the same way that they would with a stair stepper.

Not looking to get outside, or maybe the weather is bad and you still want to use your StepSkooter? That’s no issue at all with this innovative piece. The StepSkooter comes with a stationary support which allows you to actually use it indoors and at home if you prefer. The StepSkooter is a revolutionary workout machine that can definitely be fun for not only you, but for your kids as well. It’s a great way for them to get out of the house and get a bit of a workout done.

Interested in getting a StepSkooter for yourself and possibly your family? The StepSkooter is currently a project on Kickstarter, and you can find their page here. Back their project today, and you can receive a StepSkooter by later this year.

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