Principally, there are only two types of java pods that are Arabica and Robusta. Nevertheless, people also classify coffee by the region of their origin. Is there any difference in the taste of coffee beans from various countries? In this post, you will find an answer to this question. Also, you will discover more about java growing and production processes in different regions.
North America
Let’s start our dive into the geographical influence on coffee by discovering how beans are grown in this region. Also, let’s find out what are the distinctiveness of java beans from North America.
The USA is rather the more extensive java importer than a producer. In the US, coffee trees rise on the Hawaiian lands. Also, you can see some occasional small fields in California. Most American coffee is from the Hawaiian island. It grows in volcanic soil and gets enough water for growing into medium strength beans.
Unlike the US, Mexico is one of the greatest coffee exporters. Notwithstanding, there are no large plantations. Modest growers produce coffee pods. In Mexico, coffee trees grow at high heights, so coffee has a deep flavor and aroma.
Coffee from Mexico delivers outstanding taste even being prepared by a budget beverage making machine. If you don’t have a coffee maker yet, examine the top rated coffee makers under 50 dollars.
Central America
Coffee from Central America is very dependent on the region. Nevertheless, all beanss are top-quality and well-balanced Arabica with a fruity flavor. Costa Rica and Guatemala are the major coffee-making lands in the area.
Costa Rica
Small farmers in Costa Rica grow Arabica beans only. Moreover, they prepare the cherries carefully by using the wet technique. Thanks to this, java from Costa Rica has a great reputation. Costa Rican java is light and has a great aroma.
In this country, java pods grow at heights that are roughly 4,500 feet. They have an outstanding taste and rich essence. Unlike beans from Costa Rica, Guatemalan coffee is a bit darker and heavier.
South America
South America is the foremost coffee-producing region. As usual, coffee trees grow on large plantations at heights. The pods are processed naturally. There are a lot of countries involved in java production in this region, but Brazil is the leader.
Brazil is not only the #1 coffee exporter in the region. It is the world’s leader. Both Arabica and Robusta are grown in Brazil. Plantations cover enormous territories of the land and employ millions of people. Brazilian java is sweet, low-acidic, and medium-bodied.
This country is the second-largest java exporter in the globe. Unlike Brazil, in Colombia, pods are grown by thousands of small farmers. They pay close attention to harvesting and production. Also, the country has a perfect natural landscape for growing coffee. Due to these reasons, Colombian coffee with steady sharpness is considered the most immeasurable.

Peru is the third-largest java exporter on the continent. Most of the beans are grown and produced by small farmers. The best Peruvian coffee beans originate on the northern highlands and are distributed all around the globe. It is flavorful and has a medium body. Some pods from Peru may have chocolate, nutty, and even citrus notes.
Africa was the first continent where coffee was found. Beans from this region are quite exotic. Coffee from different countries has diverse tastes and qualities. Beans from Ethiopia, the country where it was brewed for the first time, has a berry finish. Kenyan beans have high bitterness, and the Tanzanian java has enhanced flavor thanks to the peaberry form. Most good beans for espressod in Africa are harvested by hand and dried inside the cherries. Some of them can be collected from wild-grown trees by locals.
Coffee from Asia isn’t widespread, and most beans produced in this area are Robusta. However, some farmers also grow Arabica trees. Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam are the top coffee-growing countries in the region.
Whether coffee you purchase, if it was grown and produced in Asia, you can be sure that it will have a good body and a long finish. Also, it is well-balanced and has a light acidity and soft body. Locals like drinking cold coffee with milk.
Arabian Peninsula
The peninsula doesn’t have good conditions and a landscape for growing coffee plantations. Anyway, small farmers in Yemen produce beans. Due to the arid climate, the beans grow small and are processed naturally. They have a deep and rich taste. Coffee from this area is perfect for brewing dark coffee.
Bottom Line
Even though coffee beans look similar, their origin matters. Depending on the location, coffee may have different tastes and flavors. If you don’t know which is the best, it’s recommended to buy small amounts of beans from various regions and test them yourself.