Tag: construction

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ICON Can Build a House in Hours, With 3D Printing

By Angel Kristoff

Building a house is typically a big deal. There are hours upon hours of work that go into it, not…

12-Year-Old Constructs Cheap Braille Printer: Introducing Braigo

By Akudo McGee

A lot of things are amazing about this startup, starting with its founder, the then 12-year-old Shubham Banerjee. It all…

Construct it with Einsite!

By Vivek Chakraverty

In India, the construction industry has found a new way of operating. An industry which is used to considering five…

Thinking of Moving House Soon? Why Not Print One?

By Akudo McGee

Action figures, casts, and kayaks. These are just some of the things that can be created using 3D printers. The…

Cover Your Backyard With The In-Law Unit You’ve Always Wanted

By Michael Yon

Not everyone has a backyard, but the people who do may not recognize the untapped potential on their property. Typically,…

Waste Not, Want Not: The Waste That Creates

By Akudo McGee

According to US Green Buildings Council (USGBC), the American construction industry contributes to 39% of all CO2 emissions and produces…