Tag: data

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Aella Data Takes Data Security to the Next Level

By Akudo McGee

Cyber attacks, when I was growing up they sounded like the plot of a futuristic science fiction film but today…

Find Your Way with MapBox

By Akudo McGee

I'm sure we've all been there, I know I have. I was once voted most likely to get lost in…

Facebook User Data hacked, now Fake Ads

By Nichole Schack

We just heard about Facebook User Data being hacked by third parties when users utilize the Login With Facebook feature,and…

Facebook User Data Hacked by Third Parties

By Nichole Schack

How many times have you used the "Login with Facebook" feature on another website so that you didn't have to…

Getting Agriculture Data with Progeny Drone

By Angel Kristoff

Drones have many uses. For many people, flying them can be a recreational hobby. They can also be used for…