Sandra Prieto

M.A. Communications Candidate - Aspiring writer - Lover of books, beach & sports.

Top Stories

Rothy’s is Helping the Environment, One Pair of Shoes at a Time

By Sandra Prieto

Do you ever stop and wonder how much of the typical plastic we use becomes waste that pollutes our environment?…

Keep Your New Year’s Resolution with MoveWith

By Sandra Prieto

Every year around this time we all make our New Year’s resolutions, but how many of us really stick with…

Communicating on the Go with Crew

By Sandra Prieto

With our ever-changing workplace, communicating and keeping individuals up-to-date is a crucial part of any organization. Regardless of the role…

AutoFi is Transforming Auto Finance

By Sandra Prieto

If you are like me, you will do anything in your power to avoid the dreaded trip to a car…

Wag! Walking Their Way into the Pet Care Industry

By Sandra Prieto

A simple Google search for pet ownership brings back thousands of results. Owning a pet is a privilege that should…

Feelter Helps You Engage with Consumers Through Reviews

By Sandra Prieto

Oh, the holidays! The busiest shopping time of the year. Between family, work, and life, shopping the traditional way can…