Veronica Maria

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Fortune Startups: Tutoring Services

By Veronica Maria

    There are many high-tech Media Services out there that frequent tutoring services. Many of these media services companies…

Well Established Entrepreneur: Jack the Snipper

By Veronica Maria

 Jack the Snipper is a well-established company. They make a difference in the ways grooming products are distributed and made today.…

  Pharmaceutical Startups and Why They Matter

By Veronica Maria

Pharmaceutical startups are educating the consumer. These startups carry more quality products and prompt service. Startups like these focus on…

Pros and Cons of Running a Small Startup Versus a Large Startup

By Veronica Maria

 It seems that there has been a significant rise in startups. However, many have seen that with all the hard…

Women Empowerment at Today’s Startups

By Veronica Maria

As we go through this revolutionized tech age, more and more women are leading or working behind the scenes of…

Comic Con Convention Catering to Young Startups

By Veronica Maria

Many can say that startups have disciplined the public on what it takes to promote us, the public on what…

The Popularity of Food Tech Startups

By Veronica Maria

         Food-tech startups are all the rage these days. Supplying a proper food service that not only…

What’s So Great About Patreon?

By Veronica Maria

       What can you say about Patreon versus Paypal? when payment is done through paypal, you know that…

The Making of a Artisan Startup

By Veronica Maria

It is to be believed that many artisans have made the plight in making their business work. However as time…