Tag: shopping

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13 Grocery Shopping Apps Worth Getting in 2020

By Staff Writer

Do you ever give it a thought that generally how much spends on groceries every month? This portion doesn’t change…

Well Established Entrepreneur: Jack the Snipper

By Veronica Maria

 Jack the Snipper is a well-established company. They make a difference in the ways grooming products are distributed and made today.…

DOSH: Scam or Success?

By Erin Balserak

The new cashback app endorsed by Paypal that promises you money in return for shopping. There's a new app making…

Small Shops, Big Dreams: Sokowatch Delivers Goods to Mom and Pop

By Akudo McGee

When we're shopping, we usually don't think about how or when products are ordered and stocked. Most times the items…

Strapped for Cash? Kpolom is Giving it Back this Christmas

By Chikezie Oguamanam

It's Christmas again, and everyone is out getting gifts for friends and family. For many people around the world, the…

Shopping with Apollo Box: What You See is What You Get

By Olivia O'Mahony

A critically important figure in countless stories from Greek and Roman mythology, the god Apollo has been depicted as the…

A Little Birdy Told Me How to Find the Perfect Perfume

By Olivia O'Mahony

Like a lot of people, I'm a fan of smelling nice. It's one of the simpler pleasures in life, and,…

Small Farmers Get a Boost With Online Food Shopping Startup

By Akudo McGee

AgroCenta is an online trading platform startup based out of Ghana. Their platform allows businesses to request staple foods from…

Online shopping is expanding? Of course!

By Michael Yon

The world of online shopping is fairly new and yet it feels like it;s always been around. The creation of…