Kiera Sweden

Hi, I am just a high school writer looking to achieve her goals. I am a female boss who loves to write, swim, act, dance and cheer. No matter what I am doing it is my priority to get the job done.

Top Stories

The 5 Best Apps for Your Startup in 2018

By Kiera Sweden

There are several key factors to know that can make or break your startup. Handling your money, employees and online…

2017 Electronics Every Techie Loved

By Kiera Sweden

2k17 was an amazing year all around. So much has changed, and many people have grown. Not only did we…

How to Start Up a Clothing Line with No Cash

By Kiera Sweden

A lot of people want to start up their own clothing line. Clothing lines can make over millions of dollars…

To Save Our Planet: An Analysis of Zerocycle

By Kiera Sweden

If you love bettering the environment, this is a subject for you. The team at Zerocycle came up with this…

How to Get Your Startup Off the Ground

By Kiera Sweden

When startups first get going, their founders are very excited to get new customers. They also are very anxious to…

Code-Writing Robots for Kids

By Kiera Sweden

Recently, a friend of mine and I were talking about how this Christmas, we wanted to give the children in…

The Perfect App for Kids and Parents

By Kiera Sweden

There is a new app that just recently started up, and it's called Kidgy. The Kidgy team's goal is to…

Why 75% of Start-Ups Fail

By Kiera Sweden

If you have stumbled upon this page, you are here for one of two reasons. Either you are interested in…