Smart Home Control Panel: Our Top 10 picks

Welcome to the future of home automation! With the advancements in technology, controlling your home has never been easier. Imagine being able to adjust the temperature, turn on the lights,

By Staff Writer

Social Networks

Boundless is Helping Immigrants Get Visas

By Angel Kristoff

Getting a visa can be a complex, stressful process. There’s a lot to it, and even one misstep can be

Beyond Reality: How Virtual Reality is Bigger than Life

By Akudo McGee

We've all heard of virtual reality, in fact many of us have already used it whether in our video games

Space Hotels: A Thing of the Not-So Distant Future?

By Angel Kristoff

It’s hard to picture a space hotel outside of a sci-fi film. It seems futuristic and far off, belonging to

TransPod Wants to Build the Transportation System of the Future

By Angel Kristoff

In 2012, Elon Musk first proposed the idea of a hyperloop- a new form of tube-based transportation that could efficiently

Find Your Way with MapBox

By Akudo McGee

I'm sure we've all been there, I know I have. I was once voted most likely to get lost in

Snapchat Spectacles more fashionable than Google Glass

By Nichole Schack

We remember Google Glass - the smart glasses that seemed to sweep the nation off of its feet, even though

DeFrame Is Rethinking How We Experience Art

By Akudo McGee

There's no doubt that one of the status symbols for every society around the world is what it can create.

Nigerian Startup Gamsole Makes Games to Improve Financial Literacy

By Akudo McGee

When you think of game development a few locations may come to mind, like Japan, South Korea or more specifically

Need a Loan For Your Small Business? Kabbage Helps You Get Ahead

By Akudo McGee

Firstly, I am truly sorry for that horrible pun but if you've read my articles, you have to be prepared