Tag: Indian startups

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Tackling the Hacking Challenge Head-On

By Vivek Chakraverty

Sahir Hidayatullah, the CEO and co-founder of Smokescreen, did his homework well. In his studies of military deception, he noticed,…

Clean India with Banyan Nation

By Vivek Chakraverty

Banyan Nation took its inspiration from the Indian practice of downcycling plastics instead of recycling them. The problem posed by…

Feel Good During Commutes With Feel Good Innovations

By Vivek Chakraverty

The troubles faced by commuters in India are many and varied. The perilous navigation through potholes; the ditches that need…

Construct it with Einsite!

By Vivek Chakraverty

In India, the construction industry has found a new way of operating. An industry which is used to considering five…

Go Green and Autonomous With IOTomation Ecotech

By Vivek Chakraverty

There has been a concentrated effort to realize the dream of 90 smart cities in the last two years. This…

Picostone: Filling the Electrical Gap

By Vivek Chakraverty

Niket Sarvaiya and Virang Jhaveri are true innovators who are well-connected to the roots of our digital world. But they…

Put Your Lights On: Illuminating Homes Across India with iLUMY

By Vivek Chakraverty

The ambitious plans of the Indian governmentTwo years back in December 2015, the Indian government unveiled its ambitious plans with…

Ed, Edd, and Eddie: Good Times in India for EdTech

By Vivek Chakraverty

India, with its vast population and talented workforce, has all the promise of being a captivating theater for EdTech. From…

Create Invoices With Just the Click of A Button

By Nicole Fryer

Running your own business? Have a friend that owes you money, and you kindly want to send them a bill?…

CafeBiz- Startup Buzz Over Caffeine

By Vivek Chakraverty

Entrepreneurs especially startup founders in India have reasons to rejoice. At long last, their demands for a space to interact…

InMobi- An Inspiring Startup Success Story From India

By Vivek Chakraverty

The year 2007 saw Mohit Saxena, Naveen Tewari, Abhay Singhal and Amit Gupta joining forces and take the world of…